Friday, November 13, 2009

The internet never sleeps

There's a certain magic in the very early morning. It's still dark, but the city isn't sleeping. It's coiled like a viper. Waiting.

I had forgotten that today is Friday the 13th until I arrived at work a few moments ago. I'm not particularly superstitious. However, at this point, it's rather irrelevant. The myth has a life of its own. When you and everyone around you is expecting something crazy to happen, the prophecy will fulfill itself.

I fear I may regret agreeing to work overtime today.

News of the Day

9/11 Suspect to Face Trial in New York, Official Says
Lawyers, judges, and the like fear public scorn for failing to completely discard legal system in favor of just stringing up certain individuals.

McCain aides kept me bottled up, says Sarah Palin in new book
Yes, and it was probably the best decision they made during the whole campaign.

Among Obama Aides, Debate Intensifies on Troop Levels
Country invades Afghanistan, regrets it. Why is this still a surprise?

Good morning. This is your brain on Caution Thinking.

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